I traveled through time to receive an answer to a question I asked the universe

Here’s the link to listen to an episode from my podcast! I hope you enjoy this one!

Welcome to the royal party

Infinite spirit in a body

I’m glad you received the invitation

without hesitation

let’s proceed

Providing energy to the seed

See the self you’re here to be

Release the past


No frustration

All is elation

That means bliss

Yeah this

Is what you ordered

I heard your request

To heal all the stress

I know it might

Be dark for a minute

But that was only because

we went so deep in it

The illusion

The confusion

We were pure creation

From a nation

Of infinite love and light

Yes we were and we are

And we came to be that one star

Going far

Within our hearts

To receive all that we believe we can

Away from what we know

Just to show

How fun it can be to journey back

Just how fun it can be to experience lack

When in reality

We designed abundance itself

in reality

We created money and

We are seated as royalty

the same as we are in heaven

We are that light that star that savior

We are

So savior each moment

Moments of unconditional bliss and entertainment and inspiration

Your favorite podcast in the nation is here

Now Let us steer

into a new world

Free of the mind

In touch with our divine

It all happens in perfect time

I am Christina Ariana, your host, professional storyteller, and Spirit Guide. I have a growing connection to life that I am passionate about sharing through telling true stories from my life. My experiences within this experience are mystifying and awe inspiring, but only because I created them to be that way. Every time I close my eyes in silent space I have experiences that seem to be my concept of God reminding me that some part of me created myself and all of this life around me. It’s hard and weird to process that sometimes. I feel like if you’re here you’re processing that too. We’re meant to be together. We’re meant to bring understanding to this journey, together. I just know that I’ll be here, continuing to live as the source of all creation more and more, believing that I can be pure love and I can be pure goodness. It might be, and could be that you and I are the source of all creation. At this point all we can do, is sit back, listen, and be with what comes through.

Today, I truly desire to share with you the story of the first time I realized that my consciousness was time traveling. We all do it, but most of us call it day dreaming, imagining, or remembering. I think all of those words fit. For example, right now, in this one moment, I am getting ready to record this episode by typing out what it is that I believe I will want to say, I haven’t started speaking or recording yet, however, I know somehow, at the same time, I am speaking and recording, in another space in time. The only way you are hearing these words is through that truth, that I wasn’t typing forever, eventually I finished, pressed record, and here we are. While I’m tying, I could use my imagination to see you listening, and I used to think that most of what I saw in my mind or in my third eye was imagination, something outside of this physical world, however now, I’m seeing it’s quite possible that when I am asking my mind to show me an image of someone listening to the podcast, what I see inside of me could very well be a true, real physical space in this world. I’m not just imagining, I am remembering the future. Our memories of the future are just as real as our memories of the past, or our current perception of the present. If you can see it in your mind, it can become your present moment. Quantum Physics and Spirituality have proven and discussed that all experiences happen in the Now. The Now is one big present moment that holds everything that is happening everywhere, all at once. What I think the scientists and mystics of the world are missing, is that there is also a now happening in the form of the present moment where this one expression of consciousness could choose to be free of everything that is happening everywhere all at once, and to just be here, with this one word, with this one sight, this one scene to find complete union with what is happening now, which that experience, I call the little now. The little now is all of what is happening in the one present moment that I am experiencing, and the big now, is all that happens for all of eternity of all space and time. I think that those words make explaining this stuff a whole lot easier.

For example, in the little now, I am typing and writing the script for this episode, and if I deeply connect to the little now, where I am here, I can then expand my point of view to big now where I can see the episode being published, I can receive how many listeners there are, I can feel the vibration of the response to this topic from the listeners, there is so much to tune into as we continue to expand our perception of reality.

So here we are in the topic of Time Travel. Time Travel hasn’t happened yet to my physical body, although this body is traveling through time and space in every moment, I don’t yet experience bringing my actual physical body through time in a way where I could skip over seconds and moments of my concept of linear time, however, the pure consciousness that I am, can. Mentally and emotionally I can go beyond space and time, I can see the future, I can see the past, and so can you. The first time I discovered what was happening, it was through meditation, but you don’t have to meditate to time travel.

I traveled back to a moment in time when I was very curious about the concept of our soul choosing our parents. I wanted to know more about that, so I closed my eyes, connected with the source of all things, and asked, “Why did I choose my parents?” I don’t remember when this was, but most likely 4 or 5 years ago. I, as my soul, was instantly taken on an adventure. My soul was floating through what looked like a galaxy, and I was able to see all kinds of images of my parents together, before I was born. I started to interpret these images and see that I picked my parents because they were so in love. As my soul, I wanted to experience the love that they had with each other. The images were coming quickly for a while, until I floated above a cube that was floating in space. I got closer to that cube and saw a bedroom, the walls were peach colored, there was a white ruffled bed set on the bed, and there was a small desk where a young girl was holding a pink spiraled notebook. She opened up the notebook and began to write. Her note was titled, my daughter, and she was making a list of everything she wanted to experience in a daughter. I would be the answer to this young girl’s prayers.

When I came back to my physical body after the meditation, I remember thinking “oh that was nice,” but I never thought it was real. My perception was that my brain showed me some cute and heartwarming stuff to help me imagine an answer for why it was that I had chosen my parents. I didn’t think that it was the Universe directly communicating with me. I don’t think that I had travelled to real moments in time. I didn’t really ever take anything that I had experienced in meditation as fact… until I shared the experience with my Mom. She was shocked about what I told her.

“Christina, that was my bedroom,” she had said. “That was a real moment in time.” When I had told her about what I experienced in the bedroom with the young girl, I had described her exact childhood bedroom to her, and she even remembered writing a note in her pink notebook, exactly the way that I had described it to her. I had no other way of knowing what I told her, so I had no choice but to accept that I had travelled to see a moment in time that was just as real for my mother, as it was for me. All of this, is a true story. This was when my relationship with the Universe became more real to me, I began to realize that the images in my mind or some would say third eye, some would say imagination, some would say daydreams, whatever you call them, they were just as real as the physical world that my physical body is experiencing right now in this moment. I wonder now, if I ever will be able to float around this world as my physical body, or if I will always need to leave my body to travel in the ways that I have. It would be wonderful to be able to float through time and space with my body coming with me.

I have a lot more stories about time travel to share, but I am going to save those for another episode. I hope you enjoyed sharing time and space with me today. Come back to the podcast to listen to more episodes, make sure you’re subscribed, and leave a review if you feel like making my day!

If you would like to connect with me more, you can reach out to be on Instagram, @christinathespiritguide

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